We accomplished TWO of the myriad of things that had to get done today:
1) We did the final storage/locker run. Now everything that isn't packed, is in the storage locker, awaiting our return next year.
2) We got the car back. Actually, that's a misnomer. We don't have it back quite yet. And it's a little bit of a story, really (but don't worry, I'll make it as short as I can):
We decided to sell the car instead of leaving at the parents' place for a year. This gives us a little bit more cash for the trip and doesn't leave anything shiny in the parents' driveway to take up much needed space.
We went out and bought nifty little "For Sale" signs, and I went through about 10 stickers just writing out the price tag because I've learned that since I've been online and the invention of email, my handwriting is absolute shit.
A week after doing this, we met up with D's cousin and his girlfriend and had a fabulous time bbqing the back yard, and then going bowling in a neon-lit environment (it was very swank and my high game was 128 or something). Anyway. We mentioned we're selling the car, and D's cousin mentioned he was buying a 2006 Mustang. We told Cousin that he should buy our car instead, because it's family, yadda yadda yadda. He just laughed.
Three days later, Cousin calls up and asks if we sold the car, and if not, he'll buy it.
Cha Ching!
Now, because my darling D is such a darling, and because he takes his family oh-so-seriously (which I just adore), he decided to put the car through emissions and have it certified for his cousin. Nice thought, no?
The car went in on Thursday last week. They call D and tell him they can't pass the inspection unless his dash is fixed (it's curling upward) because apparently it's some kind of safety hazard, with the defrost not being able to reach the whole front window or something silly like that. D informs them he's been driving around like this for 2 years (because Ford won't admit they fucked up and pay for it even though it was recalled) and it has, in no way, affected his ability to drive in cold weather.
This was not good enough for Mr. Mechanic guy. Mr. Mechanic guy basically tells D that unless it's fixed, the car won't pass inspection. Price goes up.
Mr. Mechanic then informs D that his rear brakes need replacing, even though they really don't at this point, and any normal mechanic or garage would pass the car. Price goes up.
Mr. Mechanic then tells D today, when he called about getting his car back, that the wheels need to be aligned and something else needs to be done as well. Price goes up and the car won't be ready until early this afternoon.
We call around 2pm. Car will be ready by 3-4pm. We call around 3:30pm. Car's not ready yet - give it an hour or so (nevermind that they close at 6pm and we still have to get down there to pick the car up). It's 5pm and we haven't heard from Mr. Mechanic. 6pm rolls around, and D calls them back, ready to berate the ever living christ out of Mr. Mechanic if the car still isn't ready, but it turns out that it is. Hooray.
So my love is on his way down there right now to pick up the car, and to find out what the total cost for all these "repairs" is. Needless to say, this has put a great deal of financial stress on him and now whatever that amount was, is less we're going to have when in Australia.
But, it's all good and okay and everything's somewhat peachy. We still have yet to go to one of D's Uncle's house to drop off some stuff, and run one more errand before we drop the car to Cousin's house and then head out to dinner with the parents.
We still have to yoink out my harddrive from this machine, bubblewrap it and pack it along with everything else we've already packed. We have to be up around 630am tomorrow morning to hit the airport and I found out tonight that we actually go through Customs in Toronto before we take off for Arizona, not when we land, and apparently that can take about 2 hours. Hopefully we'll have some luck in the morning, and not get stuck in a 2 hour line waiting to have our shit xrayed and inspected before they let us loose in the departure area.
Is it wrong to have an alcoholic beverage so early in the morning?