Monday, April 18, 2005

Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

So we headed out to the Toronto Zoo today. I was apprehensive going, since I have this tendancy to get really violent at the way alot of animals are housed and cared for in such a public venue. It grates on me to no end when animals are couped up in teeny little exhibits and are visibly melancholy. Actually, I lie - it enrages me to the point of tears and maddening frustration at not being able to find someone to take it out on.

I wasn't at all happy with this visit, though on the whole, it was not nearly as bad as it could have been. The exhibits were mostly okay, some of them were far too small in my opinion, but what really aggravated me the most was the fact that 90% of these exhibits did not have any food or fresh water in them. None. And finding someone who worked there, was like digging for gold in a tar pit.

Ontop of that, one of the monkey exhibits, while small, had about 5 or 6 of them in there, all sitting around on the cement grooming - except one who was too busy playing with the cut on his hand, making it bleed much worse than it should have been. To my utter dismay, though I wasn't surprised, I could not find anyone in this entire area who worked at the zoo.

I know it's pretty much off-season right now, with Spring only just starting, but jesus, is this the Zoo's way of saying they don't have enough money to hire employees and veterinarians to take care of their animals? I was horrified.

Oh, and I also have a giant blister on the underside of my right foot where it was rubbing against the fabric of my sandal.

But, on the positive side, I had the entire day outside in absolutely gorgeous weather with the love of my life by my side, and we even have a couple of pictures of us to commemorate the day.

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