If I'd have had Kira in the states, it would have been winter. I would have been able to rug her up in adorable little sweaters and pants and fluffy socks...but most importantly, HATS. I would have been able to put beanies on her teeny little head (that felt like the size of Krypton when it was coming out) and I could have bought said beanie from one of my favourite stores.
Being that I gave birth in sunny warm FREAKING HOT Australia, I couldn't very well layer on clothing and force my demonette to wear a beanie. (At least not yet) Instead, she was forced into wearing singlets and just her nappy, or singlets and a little pair of poofy baby-panties. Or just a nappy. Or one of those "onesie" romper things. And because of this, I got to see her bellybutton every time she moved. I got to see the rate at which her toenails grew. I got to see her little feet (which are 3.5" long at the moment) constantly. And I've never been happier to say I had my daughter in Summer.
But! Winter is coming. Not any time soon (omg, sidenote, the neighbours are cooking bacon and eggs ON THEIR BBQ and it's making my stomach rumble with hunger, and my mouth salivate Homer Simpson style), probably not for a couple of months, but still, it's coming and this means BEANIES! I will finally be able to put beanies on her head. Her Canadian Nanny has sent some to her so far, but her head's gotten much bigger than it was at birth, so none of them fit her now.
Oh, and while she was 52cm (20.5") at birth? She's now 61cm (24") long. At almost 6 weeks old. She's so long, and I can't tell you how much she weighs because at this point, I have no idea. 8.5lbs? 9lbs? No clue. Won't know until Tuesday when we go to our Doctor appointment for our 6 week check-up.
She's trying so hard to roll over now, and gets rather frustrated when she can't do it. She's smiling so much and attempting little giggles and laughs; her eye colour is lightening up as well, and they're starting to get gold through them so I think they'll end up being hazel coloured. Her fingernails have to be cut every couple of days because they're such razor sharp little talons; she was in the beginning stages of getting cradle cap the other day, so we cleared that up instantly with some baby oil and colloidal silver. (I mean instantly, her cradle cap was GONE the following day and hasn't returned)
She's such an amazing baby, I can't even tell you. She's sleeping anywhere from 4 - 7 hours through the night, and stays awake longer and longer through the day. When she's not awake through the day, she's napping on and off, and getting fed every 2.5 - 3 hours. I'll be honest here, and say that when she started waking for a feed only 2.5 hours after I put her to sleep, I was concerned. She had never done that before, and had always slept 4+ hours after her feedings, so this was quite new to me. But, I figured that she knew what she wanted, and she was hungry, so it was food she got. And it kept happening but only through the day. I've since come to the realization that she's going through a growth spurt.
It was, however, suggested that I start giving her cereals fairly soon, but I'm not sure I want to do that while she's so young. It's obviously not unheard of; I was eating farrex cereal when I was around her age (actually, I think we all were) and I know of other parents who have put their babies onto cereal at 6 weeks, even earlier. She's not losing weight or anything, infact I think she's gaining it quite well, so for now I'll keep feeding her every 2.5 - 3 hours and chat with the Doc on Tuesday. I'm pretty sure this is normal.
She's loving her tummy time more and more; yesterday Uncle G flipped her onto her stomach ad she propped herself up on her forearms, head up and eyes bright and alert as she looked around, grinning as she was seeing everything from an entirely new perspective. She had a great time, and managed to keep her head upright for a solid minute before lowering it to the ground and proceeding to suck on the floor quilt. She (apparently) loves sucking on her quilt, her spit/burp/drool rag, her arms, her wrists, her fists and my shoulder.
Also, it should be noted that she absolutely ADORES yanking on Daddy's chest hair. And scratching christ out of his nipples. Feel free to laugh uproariously at that; I do.