Monday, March 06, 2006

Oh Seven and We'll Watch Them Fall...

Stole this from SpuddyBuddy:

Seven Things I Want to Do Before I Die:
1. Go to Italy, Ireland and Greece
2. Own my own home
3. Give birth three more times
4. Have enough money (without saving all year) to take all 4 of my children to Disney World
5. Jump Ryan Reynolds
6. Go on a cruise
7. Jump Bruce Willis

Seven Things I Cannot Do:
1. Cook
2. Park a car
3. Intentionally hurt an animal
4. Speak any other language
5. Lose my superstitions
6. Get drunk
7. Apologize easily

Seven Things That Attract Me to Blogging:
1. My own website
2. Being able to write whenever and whatever I want
3. Knowing that my online persona might be completely fake and you would never know it - mwahahah
4. I no longer have to physically (with pen and paper) write all this shit down; I can just type it
5. Knowing the handful of people who come here would totally miss me if I stopped writing
6. Knowing I can post pictures of my child from now until eternity and the handful of people would still return, if only in the hopes of never seeing my child again
7. The hope that I will convince more of my friends (even my demonic twin!) to start blogging once they realize how much fun it actually is

Seven Things I Say Most Often:
1. F* you
2. You know what I would like buy when we get some money?
3. I have to pee
4. I love you
5. Why are you awake? You're supposed to be sleeping
6. Go to sleep
7. Sleep, sleep... Poppies will put you to sleep...

Seven Books I Love:
1. The Langoliers, Stephen King
2. The Heaven Series, Virginia Andrews
3. The Harry Potter Series, JK Rowling
4. Most anything by John Saul
5. Most anything by Dean Koontz
6. The Complete Works of Edgar Allen Poe
7. The Pokey Little Puppy, Little Golden Books

Seven Movies I Watch Over and Over Again:
1. Ten Things I Hate About You
2. The Labyrinth
3. Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
4. Titanic
5. Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom
6. Dude Where's My Car?
7. Anything with Bruce Willis

Seven People I Want to Join in:
At the risk of being insensitive to the entire handful of people who come here, I'm not going to list anyone's names. But DO fill this out in the comments area for me - if only to give me more comments. I'm a wannabe-comment-whore.


E in Oz said...

Ooh ooh ooh. Labyrinth is one of my faaaaavourite movies ever!

But um 'give birth three more times'???


lol :-P said...

Did you have like a giant crush on David Bowie in that movie, too!? My god I was 8 when I first saw it and just fell completely head over heels in love with his character.

Giving birth is the easy part. It's surviving the following 4-6 weeks that'll show you what you're made of. :\ (right now I feel like I'm woefully inadequate)

She Must be Full of BS said...

Guess what? I might do this one. Not here, though... I have to make sure I abuse all of my readers with my innermost thoughts as well... all 4 of them. lol! BTW, you, D and Kira have a present coming soon!! It will be done by the end of this week, and then the only thing holding it back will be the post! Hugs!! said...

WOOO!!! I *love* presents!! :D :D :D

E in Oz said...

I still luuuuuurv David Bowie. I don't care that he's a little weird. hehe

As for the kids thing...are you in denial? What's with 4-6 weeks? LOL it lasts 18 years!