Monday, March 06, 2006

Things That Make You Go, "WTF?!"

I know there are lots of things that make the average person utter the above phrase, and lord knows I utter it alot (though never around my wee demonette fo' sho') and tonight was no exception. I decided to log into my blogtracker account, and see what keywords we have this week, for attracting termites into the mound. They are thus:

1). giant blinkie dragon (Google)
Okay I can understand this. Everyone wants a giant blinkie dragon and evidently I either supply them, or know where to get them.

2). dermaveen dealership (Google)
Now, considering that DermaVeen (in Australia, anyway) is a moisturizer for sensitive and itchy skin, I cannot imagine why someone would want to know where the nearest dealership is. And would you even consider a moisturizer to have it's own dealership? Warehouse maybe, but dealership? Perhaps I'm just not hip to these things.

3). my contractions are 4mins apart (Google)
Honestly, if you're having contractions that are 4mins apart, WHY are you googling it? Why are you not at the hospital? Or at the very least, why haven't you called THE HOSPITAL? Perhaps even 911? (Or if you're Aussie, 000) Seriously. Google?!

4). menigicoccal vaccination site reaction (MSN)
Okay not sure why this brought up a hit to my site. I'm pretty sure I haven't talked about the menigicoccal vaccination yet, mostly due to the fact that my child hasn't been vaccinated. I can, however, tell you that my child will NOT be getting this particular vaccination, due in large part to the fact that shortly after my sister got it, she developed Ulcerative Colitis, ended up in excruciating pain for almost 2 years while they tried to "cure" her, and on top of that, because of her medications and her special diet, became very anorexic.

4). theraputic gerbil cleansing (Yahoo)


Maribeth said...

The funniest one on Princess? "Chastity Belt"! That had me really laughing!

Contagion said...

uh... theraputic gerbil cleansing?!?!?!

(Backs away slowly)