I have two paychecks until Christmas. This realization was brought up at work today and ever since, I have been depressed. I loathe Christmas shopping; people rushing around to get this, that and the other thing, all frantic to get that one (or several) cool item(s) before it gets bought out, the lack of car parking in every mall you go to. I mean, really, who builds a mall and then fails to put in enough car parking?
And of course it's winter here at Christmas, and we generally have snow, so the roads are congested moreso (usually because of accidents) and then to trudge half a mile away to get into the mall that is rampantly overcrowded, to go and buy crap that's only going to get thrown out after a few uses, for people who don't even appreciate it, is just exhausting for me. And generally fills me with murderous rage.
This is why I generally do all my shopping online. But, this year, for some silly reason, I neglected to do that. So this means I now have to go to the actual mall and see what pieces of crap I can buy relatively cheaply. Honestly, I have no problem spending money on people who appreciate what I buy for them, or who are thankful, or who I genuinely love. That's something I enjoy doing. But the rest of this... It's so not worth it.
I've even tried getting out of the whole Holiday Thing by expressing my disbelief in it (which is actually true) but nobody bought it, and handed out their christmas lists with glee. Joy of joys.
It's all good though, in actuality. Maybe I'm just grousing because I'm flat broke this year. Or because I'm tired. Or because I'm not getting any attention today and I want some.
Some days you're the bug, somedays you're the windshield.