Sunday, November 21, 2004

It's Alive!

When I mentioned to Trinity that I was thinking about having my own site again, she went apeshit with happiness and offered me some space on her domain.

I promptly went and registered this domain instead. She then decided she'd host me. I heart her. But, I digress.

In our following conversation, I had complained that I wouldn't be able to remember how to code properly, after having been away from it for about four years. She told me it was "like riding a bike". And then she winked at me.

After much deliberation and astounding boredom (over not having WoW to play), I decided to get my ass in gear and get the site up and running.

I have decided, that having been off the coding scene for so long, it is not quite like riding a bike. Infact, it's quite abit harder than riding a bike. At least on a bike you know where the pedals are, where the seat is, where the breaks are.

For uncountable hours today, I spent shredding various designs I'd created years ago, and reading the code over and over and over again. And then I began to design. And then, once I had something I was halfway pleased with, I attempted to get it all working properly. That took many, many hours more.

It's now late, and I have most of everything in place - even after I thought I had deleted some things, which as it turns out, I didn't delete completely. So, for all intents and purposes, the site is live.

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