Monday, February 06, 2006

Countdown: 3 Days to Go

Still pregnant. Alot heavier today down there and alot more tight and alot more pressure, so I decided rather than go out to town, I'd stay home. Somehow it seems better that way.

Woke up through the early hours of the morning with some mild cramping and twinging which could possibly have been contractions though since they haven't really happened since, I'm thinking they're probably just braxton hicks.

Went for my trace monitoring on Saturday, got to listen to the little demonette's heartbeat again, and found out that she's still quite happy and nowhere near being stressed. I go back on Wednesday for my next antenatal appointment, at which point they'll probably do another internal (dear god help me) to find out what's going on. If my cervix hasn't opened very far or isn't as soft as they want, I'll be admitted that afternoon, have a funky little gel placed at the entrance of the cervix to soften it up and get it ready for the following day (Thursday the 9th) for induction. We're still hoping she's going to come on her own before then; I was actually wondering if all this newly accumulated pressure in my pelvic region might be the start of it?

Had a lovely BBQ last night in celebration of D's 31st birthday which is today, but since he has to work, I thought we'd do it last night when everyone wouldn't be so rushed. The food was awesome, the company was awesome and I bought him a delicious blueberry cheesecake (which was extremely rich) in lieu of a birthday cake which we ate while watching The Muppet Show!!

It wasn't on, but D had bought me the first season dvd for my birthday which has been an absolute riot to watch as well as being a very cool nostalgic trip for everyone.

I recently heard that curry can induce labour. I'm off to do some research on that.


Maribeth said...

Eggplant is supposed to do it too! I must say, I tried it all both times and I was still waay over due both times!
Good luck and tell your Princess to come on out!

Anonymous said...

I thought lovemaking helped? or hang on was that how you got pregnant..... oh I dunno!!!

Good luck and it's amazing that in just a few days...

E in Oz said...

*tick tick tick* Getting anxious down here. How you doing?

kris said...