Friday, December 09, 2005

Storm inc, Buckle Down the House

Last night the sky turned green and ominous, and as thunder rumbled through the streets and lightning flashed evilly through the skies, I wondered just how big a golf ball really was, and whether or not I'd really get to see "golf ball sized hail". Of course, I didn't.

Living where we live, the hail always goes around us. We got some rain and some minor wind - minor in that the roof stayed put, but windy enough that my back patio screen doors flew wide open - and some more rain. In fact, the rain was coming down in sheets at one point, so then we had to run around and close windows.

Now, you must understand, at this point I was already hot and bothered and terribly uncomfortable.

(And as a digression, do you remember when you were a kid and people would say to you, "When I was your age..." and you always swore never to say that, but then ten years down the track you actually catch yourself saying it and think "Oh crap I just became THOSE people." Well I'm like that with my pregnancy. "When I was pregnant..." or "Because I'm pregnant..." or "Since I'm pregnant...." Well, you get the idea)

Being pregnant (haha!) I'm feeling the heat more and more than I would if I were a normal, prepregnancy human. So, being that yesterday was ALREADY hot and uncomfortable for me, regardless of how I tried cooling down, when we had to run around and close windows to prevent some floodage, it obviously became infinitely WARMER. And as a result, more unhappiness ensued.

Thankfully the storm passed within half an hour or so, and we were able to open up the windows again and breathe in the fresh scent of rained-on grass and asphalt. God it was good.

Oh, and in other news, it seems our neighbours across the street are back. I'm now wondering what exactly they were moving all of that furniture for, including beds and sheets and linens and towels etc., when they clearly weren't moving out at all? Sometimes I wish I was much much nosier.


Contagion said...

Here in Northern Illinois, USA it is currently 7 degress and snowing. We are probably going to get 1-4 inches of the white stuff.

Remember when my wife was pregnant with our youngest, I'm not sure you want to be pregnant in the winter. Especially the last trimester. said...

God I miss the snow. I never thought I'd miss it this much, but I really do!

Just out of curiosity though... Why would I not want to be pregnant in the winter?

Contagion said...

Ever slipped on the ice when you're 7 months along? You thought walking was difficult now. Wait until the ground is slick, and you have a bruised tailbone. said...

Ohhh very good point. I'm clumsy enough to do just that, too :\

kris said...

Am I allowed to wish that you were more nosey, too? Now I want to know what your neighbors are up to, as well...

As for the pregnancy hotness, just wait until after you give birth. There were nights when I dreamt I was swimming, I was so sweaty. Gross.