Friday, November 25, 2005

A Sense of Loss

Happy BELATED Turkey Day everyone!

I can't tell you how much I really am missing this holiday this year. I don't know whether it's just the yummilicious food (and god there's always so much isn't there?!) or the company or the weather, or a combination of all three. Or maybe it's the fact that as soon as today is over with, everything Christmas comes out and soon it'll be snowing and beyond that, MORE festivities which will include!

Anyway, I hope everyone celebrating has a wonderful day and evening, and go mad stuffing yourselves with all that incredibly, deliciously mouthwatering food. I'm wishing I was right there with you!


kris said...

Happy Turkey Day to you, too.

And, Congratulations on your impending Mommy-hood. May you have an easy, wonderful birth and a marvelous life with your babe and your fiance. said...

Thank you :D