Tuesday, October 18, 2005

I Think She's Going to be More Active Than Any of us Realized

And of course by this, I do mean the parasite. She's been moving around a whole lot today, poking and prodding and tumbling and fumbling and god knows what else. I know she was kicking, actually physically KICKING me since I actually saw the skin of my stomache pop out a couple of times. If I hadn't been so swoony over the fact that my daughter just made her first physical kicks, I would have sworn I was impregnated by an alien, and this alien child now wanted out of its cocoon to let leash its fury on the world.

And quite possibly, that could still be my daughter wanting out already. I don't rightly know. But I'm absolutely thrilled that I got to see my tummy jump with her movements today, and I can't stop talking about it. It's the next best thing to having a constant sonogram. Without the goo.

I had remarked to Mamala I thought this was odd because I'm about 5.5 months along and I didn't think it would be this early I would start to see physical movement. I mused that perhaps she's bigger than we all thought, but according to all my tests and all the sonograms, she's perfectly healthy and at her correct weight for her age so far. This then, leads me to think she's going to be extremely active and energetic. Or violent.

Who knows, I could be at this very moment, carrying the next generation's leader of the trenchcoat mafia. What a proud parent I shall be!

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