Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Itch Update

Don't worry my pretties, it's nothing to fret over. I will clarify that, while I do draw blood, it's not gushing and more like little specs here and there. The fluid is more clear than anything, and I did buy an antiseptic gel yesterday that I've been using. It contains a topical anaesthesia that stops the itching and makes the ladies feel sort of numb but I did check with the pharmacist and he assured me that it was perfectly okay to use.

I am going to head to the doctor in a couple of weeks, however, but I know it's nothing bad. It's not the detergent, though I have stopped using the body wash I was using for the last few weeks, thinking that might have been it.

I will let you know what I find out when I get to the doctor, but I'm not too concerned. I really don't think it's anything terrible.

1 comment:

Randa said...

Hellooo, e. I wanted to email you, but don't see your address anywhere. I wanted to thank you for introducing yourself on my 'Psychic Vibes' post; it was so much fun to meet my visitor from Australia! I'd love for you to email me so we can have a proper conversation. Best wishes...from the Garden Geek.