Saturday, May 21, 2005

Playing it Old School, Yo

So tonight we're out on the balcony (and it's a pretty balmy night I must say) and chatting about upcoming games that are set for release in the next few months, because you know we're gamer geeks, and this is what we do.

So the Sims 2 is launching another expansion (a trumped up Hot Date but MUCH better - OMG you can drive CARS!), Black & White 2 and a myriad of other games as well. This conversation spurred rumours circulating about Blizzard creating Diablo 3, which is said to already be in the works, and that the soundtrack for the game has already been completed.

All I can say for this is: YAY!!!!!!!

So this, of course, prompted a conversation about Diablo 2, and as we were reminiscing about it, D decides he wants to reinstall it. And so does my brother. And so do I, because GOD DAMMIT I can't remember Act 5, and for some reason, that's akin to sinning something awful.

The only problem with this is that I don't have my own machine. My brother informs me they have a junk box downstairs, and he has a spare video card and soundcard, and all we're going to need is a monitor and keyboard. He makes a few calls, and voila! I have a keyboard and monitor, about half an hour away. He toddles off to get these pieces of equipment, leaving me home to munch on yummy flavoured popcorn and leaving D to load up, install, patch and play Diablo 2.

I'm watching over his shoulder, desperately wishing my brother to get home very quickly so that he can put together my machine so I can play.

WoW be damned, I'm going back to multiplayer via LAN.

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