Sunday, April 02, 2006

No Creative Title Today

I was wrong in my last post. Apparently the iPod being given to Katie Holmes isn't songs 'the Tyrant' picked, but 300 of Katie's favourites. Oops, my bad.

Apparently I was also wrong about the whole silent birth thing, too. Perhaps I should do more research instead of just believing all the latest msn gossip?

If you're not up on your "Dianetics," this is what L. Ron Hubbard says about keeping mum while squeezing out a human being: "Maintain silence in the presence of birth to save the sanity of the mother and the child and safeguard the home to which they will go."

I'm sorry... being quiet to save the sanity of the mother?! TO SAVE THE SANITY?! TO SAVE THE SANITY??? Nevermind that keeping quiet will likely cause pieces of your brain to start popping and you'll die of a brain hemorrage; but the upside to that would be not having to worry about saving the sanity.

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In other news, statcounter? Sucks ass. Big, hairy, sweaty troll ass, as a matter of fact. eWebCounter is much much better and there's no restrictions on their free account.

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We watched the Village the other night, and I have to say that was a weird ass movie. I mostly liked it, even though a few choice parts creeped me out to no end (so much so that I was afraid of having nightmares about human-sized echidna wearing red dresses). It had a funky little twist at the end of the movie that tied everything together, none of which I saw coming at all. Overall good movie though.

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Was supposed to take Kira into the doctor to get her first series of shots this week, but since D doesn't start his job until tomorrow, and being that he only gets paid once a month, I can't actually go and get her shots until after he gets paid. Unless our AmEx cards come in the mail, in which case I can because I'll have a means to pay for them. Honestly? I don't want her to have her shots. She's going to cry, with real tears, my heart's going to break and then I'll end up crying.

Katie's unlucky - being a Scientologist means she doesn't have to go through that. Their religion doesn't believe in immunizations. Um... At least from what I've read.


Maribeth said...

I keep looking for a good site meter, but all of them have their drawbacks. Oh well.
Since I literally screamed my way through the first birth I guess I would have failed at being a Scientologist. I was much quieter the second time! ;~)

E in Oz said...

Thanks for the webcounter tip!

Anonymous said...

300 Favorite songs?!? Wow, I don't know that I could pick out 300 of my favorites to listen to while giving birth! said...

LOL me neither - I was supposed to make up a CD to take in with me, and thought I had plenty of time to do it (because I'm such a procrastinator). Turns out I *didn't* have plenty of time and therefore, didn't get the CD I wanted to make. :\

Tia + Neil said...

Its ok erica be strong for kira when she gets her shots!!! she'll thank you one day!!!
love ya! xoxox

Anonymous said...

I have to say, my parents and MIL were in the room while I was in labor (what was I thinking?) talking about what to eat for dinner while I was having contractions. I kept yelling for them to Just! Shut! Up! And! Go! Eat! Damn! I could have used a blissful cone of silence, yessiree.