Friday, December 02, 2005

Who's the Goose? Heh... Me!

Guess who jinxed herself completely by saying she was all better? Yeah yeah, I did. I was so fine yesterday too, but this morning? Oh god this morning, wicked sore throat, stuffed up nose and an earache that pitched down into my teeth. Only on my left side though. My whole left side felt like it was swollen so of course, I ambled out of bed and took some paracetamol, and ambled back to bed. I've taken more CS this morning (gargled, nose, ears) and my throat isn't as sore but it feels like maybe my tonsils are a little swollen. Wish I could see back there.

We had one hell of a storm last night. Thunder doesn't generally wake me up but it did very early this morning, I can tell you. I was jolted awake by a deep rolling booming sound that felt like it was right ontop of my roof, and for a moment I wondered if someone was actually up there. Then I realized it was just Zeus and ambled out of bed to check and make sure all the front windows were closed. They were, and I ambled back to bed again.

My dreams were very odd, to say the least. I know I don't remember them, or all of them anyway - one of them had to do with me making tea and ringing out the teabag before I threw it away. Another dream saw me playing EverQuest again but also failing horribly at it because I haven't played it in over a year. I know I had a couple more besides those two, and just can't put my finger on them.

Hope you guys are feeling better than I am today; I absolutely hate Summer colds.

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