Saturday, December 24, 2005

'Twas the Night Before Christmas and all Through the House...

...All you can hear is me coughing, mixed with the sounds radiating from D's laptop. Even though we had our biweekly checkup at the Dr. yesterday, I mentioned my sore throat to him but failed to mention my deep, raspy, lung-expelling cough and as a result, have been coughing to no end and suffering with a sore, dry and itchy throat. At least he did look at my throat, but proclaimed nothing wrong with me, and sent me toddling about my way.

The baby is doing wonderfully. My uterus is about 33cm long now, and he listened to the heartbeat once again, although I only heard the placental swish. He's not nearly as thorough as my midwife, and I'm of two minds about this. On one hand, he probably knows what he's doing, being that he has two girls of his own, so he probably feels he doesn't need to be as thorough as my midwives, but on the other hand I feel like maybe he should be just a tad more interested. At least pretend, anyway.

We did end up speaking about my due date, though. The ladies at the hospital are more inclined to go with the EDD brought forth from my last period, which puts me at February 11th for delivery, instead of going with the ultrasound date of February 21st. Right in the beginning I thought this would be the best option anyway, going by the last period date, since that's just normally how things are calculated, but my Dr. thought that we should use the ultrasound date because evidently that was more accurate.

With that in mind, it has seemed all throughout my pregnancy that I've been "a little ahead of schedule" if we were going to stick with February 21st. It seems that my uterus size is right on target for a child due on February 11th, thus no longer making me "a little ahead of schedule" but "right on time".

Well, duh.

I don't mean to tell you how to do your job, Doc, but feel free to listen to me next time when I say, "Yes my period dates are accurate, yes I'm sure that was the first day of the last one, and no, I have no idea why I would have 2 false negative home pregnancy tests."

Anyway. It's the night before Christmas, and both D and I are terribly excited about it. We're going down to Mamalas early, and my older brother is making his famous waffles for breakfast (good god they're soooooo yummy) and we have enough food to literally drown (or suffocate) a small village. I can't wait! And yes, I'm terribly excited about opening up my presents, since D finished up his shopping for me yesterday and now almost all of his presents are sitting happily under the tree, thereby making it looking alot more full and rather festive. Part of me wants to tear into them now and rip them open, but a bigger part of me (more of the child part of me) is restraining the adult part of me with a huge amount of excitement and glee and general Christmas Spirit.

You can wait one more sleep, e!

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