This is Where I Beg Your Forgiveness
It looks like my new home isn't as ready as I thought it was going to be, so I'm posting back here for abit. So much has gone on that I haven't blogged about on here, I don't even know where to begin! I suppose I ought to start with a smallish Kira update.
She went for her shots on the 18th, and was such a good girl about it. Infact, she was leaps and bounds better than I was! Her first needle encompassed an assload of diseases, but this didn't make her do very much more than squirm and be audibly fussy. The second shot, however, was the ever so nasty pneumonococcal shot, and christ did she scream. (I'll point out here that I was in tears long before she even GOT her shots) The first thigh had some big bruising around the injection point, but the second thigh didn't, though it did have some minor swelling.
For the following 24 hours she had a minor fever and surprisingly wasn't overly fussy. We had to give her children's panadol (like tylenol) to keep the fever at bay, and just to digress here, why the hell are these meds cherry flavoured? Kids HATE cherry! At least mine does, anyway. So, suffice it to say, she hated the shit and kept spitting it out.
Okay, what else... She's pretty well given up trying to roll over, at least for now. She MUCH prefers sitting upright, which she does amazingly well, and loves to be on her tummy. She can raise herself upright on her hands for a few seconds before coming back down to the floor, and! We have reached yet another milestone: she scootches! Basically this means that it's a crawl but her belly is scraping along the ground. She gets quite alot of speed up in doing this, and very happily scootches around the floor during tummy time. Not always, of course, but alot of the time, and I've found this particular activity wears her out rather quickly so she tends to sleep very well when she goes down for her naps.
She's still fighting sleep during the day, but I'm a mean old mommy and don't give in. Usually I can put her to sleep in less than 20mins of rocking and swaying her, but on her off days, it can take up to an hour and that's when I pull out the Big Guns. Or the pram, whichever is closer.
She's blowing bubbles with her mouth now, and drooling like a machine, so for this reason, we have cloth diapers handy and lots and lots of facewashers to constantly mop it up. That and the spit up, of course.
She watches tv when we let her, and is absolutely riveted to a couple of the shows - the nightly news being one of them. I'm not sure I like that, but she gets a little unbalanced when I switch the channel, so I'm hoping it's just the bright colours she likes. She also enjoys Wheel of Fortune (again bright colours) and a couple of kids shows like MacDonalds Farm and The Fairies. Both of these shows have heaps of bright colours (you almost need to wear shades while watching), and lots of singing and dancing. Truth be told, I like The Fairies, particularly Barnaby Bee. His "Bizzy Buzzy Bee" rock song is awesome.
Anyway. I've taken an assload more pictures which have been uploaded to the Flickr Album, so take a look for some more Kira-Goodness. In the meantime, I need to jet and get my child some food. And in an effort to get you to forgive me for not writing sooner, here is a picture of her and I together (she's almost 3mths here):