Thursday, February 16, 2006

Home, Safe and Sound

Well we're home now, having gotten here on Valentine's Day (Happy Belated Birthday Mamala) with Mamala in tow. We've been alot less stressed over Kira's eating habits, and I think I may finally be getting the hang of this breastfeeding thing. We have a community clinic nearby which I need to make an appointment with tomorrow, to go have her weighed and checked, and with some luck I'll find a lactation consultant up there as well.

Yesterday we spent the day cleaning and washing, or rather I should say Mamala did most of it (D sat on his computer and played for most of the day) while I tended to Kira who fussed on and off, and experimented with the amount of feeds she had with the breast vs the bottle and the amount of sleep between.

She's loving her baths, though I don't think she fully realizes what they are just yet. She knows it's water and she gets submerged in it, and then it's washed all over her, but she doesn't quite know what to do with the whole situation. She does love it though and kicks her legs a little bit as she stares at me with giant quizzical eyes. She loves getting out of the bath (er...sink) and being dried off, and so far she hasn't protested too much about getting her hair washed. Someday she's going to pay someone money to wash her hair for her, and wish she was able to relax and enjoy it more as a child, I just know it.

She's gurgling alot more now, and making little noises in her sleep and while she's resting in my arms; her eyes flutter open more and more now no matter what she's doing (including trying to sleep), and it seems like she's trying to drink in the entire world around her; almost like she doesn't want to miss a thing. She's so inquisitive, and while she's awake, she has to look at everyone around her who she can hear talking, or at least look in their general direction. Oh and her sneezes are just so adorable. The first time she sneezed, she looked at me like What the hell did I just do? It was unbelievable.

Mamala has been such a big help to me since she's been here. She's only going to be here for 2 weeks before she goes home and I just know I'm going to miss her so much. By then D will be back at work and I will truly be on my own with my small human and I feel like I'm not going to know what to do!

Anyway. New pictures are up, so enjoy!


Anonymous said...

She is just gorgeous. I love all that hair!! You look sooo happy with her!! You'll do fine on your own with her!

Congrats again and I hope you can get some help with breastfeeding. But if it doesn't work don't bet yourself up!


Maribeth said...

What great pictures! She is so lovely, as are you! Congratulations agin!
Glad to hear things have smoothed out with the nursing.

kris said...

So good to hear you're doing better.

Good Luck, and have a great weekend.

She Must be Full of BS said...

e, she's absolutely gorgeous. Only 2 hotties like you and D could have produced such a lovely little girl! And I sympathize with Kira on the whole sneezing issue... half the time I have that look afterwards as well. Don't laugh, it's true. Ok, ok, laugh. I just know you'll do great with her on your own. My love to you and everyone else!!