Thursday, January 05, 2006

Can't Wait to Get my Ribs Back

Last night was a little bit of a rough night. D and I headed to bed around 1030pm I suppose, or thereabouts, and although I had been fairly uncomfortable for most of the day - bubby's feet in my ribs, not so much the heat yesterday thank god - I figured as soon as I lay down, I would at least be comfortable.

Not so.

"Aha!" gurbles the small child. "She's laying down which means I can stretch out!"

And stretch out she did. I felt the whole thing, a full body stretch that started with her hands all but fluttering out of my general pelvic region, to her feet which were all but gouged up into my throat. And there she stayed for a good minute or so - you know what those really good stretches are like; you don't ever want them to end, do you? So of course, I can't really blame her for staying that way and enjoying every minute of it.

Once she was done, I heaved a great sigh of relief and attempted to lay back again, to get comfortable. It just wasn't meant to be. One foot right up into the ribs, pressing against them with her heel for all she's worth. It's entirely possible I'll be enrolling my child in the ballet as soon as she's old enough: it would be a sin not to further develop those leg muscles outside of the womb.

As I tossed and turned and grumbled with the irritation of having a tiny foot jammed in between two pieces of bone, I moved to my left side thinking that maybe she'd fall to the left and get out of that very delicate area. Again, I was wrong.

There's going to be no second guessing this kid; she's the one who's going to be teaching US what to do, I can see it.

Grumbling still further, I flipped onto my right side, pillow wedged firmly beneath the giant melon and instantly found relief. It was heavenly! At least for me. The wriggling parasite within had to move herself again to get comfortable, but at least the foot was gone from my ribcage.

I indulged in a maniacal laugh and happily fell asleep.


Maribeth said...

It's funny how these little ones move around and get their hands and feet in touchy places. Glad you finally got comfy!

Anonymous said...

Wowee she doesn't have long in there then!! So when she arrives you'll be able to SEE her stretches and be amazed you fit that all in YOU!!

kris said...

my son only removed his feet from my gaul bladder when he turned around (for a week) and replaced it with his head... I didn't know it at the time, but it certainly was indicative of his current personality.

You have SO much fun ahead!