Monday, December 20, 2004


It's 11 degrees out this morning. Eleven. With our high a whopping 25. I have no idea what it is with the windchill, all I know is that it's really cold and I hate it.

We started getting snow last night around 11pm, and it still hasn't tapered off but it's not snowing hard enough or fast enough to accumulate more than 1-2 inches. Infact, we have a lot more ice than snow - the front flights of stairs were powdered thinly over a sheet of ice, and the driveway had more ice than a deep-freeze.

And then, all the windows on the mini mini-van were all frozen shut. Couldn't even turn the heat on for the ride to work because the fan had to keep working overtime to try and melt the ice off the windshield and side windows.

But, to top all that off, I was supposed to be at work early this morning because I leave at 4pm (he goes to school) but with the roads as shitty as they were, I didn't arrive to work until almost 830am (my regularly scheduled start time). =
I can only hope today goes by relatively quickly. I'd much rather be home where it's warm and toasty.

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