Monday, March 27, 2006


One of my best friends sent me a package last week, and emailed me to tell me to be on the look out for it. She wouldn't tell me what it was, only that it was a surprise, and hoped I loved it.

Well. It came today. And it was a surprise. And I LOVE it!!

Isn't this absolutely beautiful? It's so soft and warm and I just know Kira's going to love it. I can't wait to wrap her up in it; it's a little too warm still at the moment, but the second it gets cold enough, I will have photos.

I love you B, thank you!!!!

In other news, StatCounter is AWESOME. If you're looking for a really good counter, I recommend this one. It logs the hits and keyword searches (which is what I was looking for) and holds them until you purge it. Oh, and it's free. You can't beat free.


Anonymous said...

Oh, that is lovely!! Come those cold June days that will be perfect!! I love those colours together!! Lucky bunny!!

She Must be Full of BS said...

I'm so glad you love it!!!! I have a problem though... for some reason when I clicked the link to my journal on this post, it went to some bible website. Why? Why? It's the right website!!??!?!? Don't worry though, I love you and I know you wouldn't do that on purpose unless you secretly hated the blanket... ;)

She Must be Full of BS said...

Hah!! I figured it out, it's a typo!! You do love me!! Instead of "blogspot" .com, you put in "blogpsot" .com! Apparently this is all that's neccessary to turn me into a bible college. Yeesh! said...

LMAO! Sorry - fixed!