Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Six Week Check Up

Had our six week checkup today, and Kira is growing like a freaking WEED. I love it!

Weight: 4.8kg / 10lbs 5oz
Head Circumference: 38cm
Length: 62cm

Her overall health is absolutely perfect and we have no concerns whatsoever. Our doctor tells us she's a little bit above average on the chart, which of course we were just thrilled about. He's very happy with her weight gain and her overall health.

We have to go back in a couple of weeks for our first lot of shots, including a rubella shot for me. Trust me when I say I am not happy about having that done. It's going to hurt like a raped ape, and I really don't want to be apart of it though I do suppose it's a necessary evil.

Thank god Mamala will be with me when I'm having it all done though. In all reality, while I abhor needles, my pain won't nearly be as great as Kira's will be, and I know beyond the shadow of a doubt I'm going to be crying because she's crying. And I just know she's going to have big fat tears rolling down her angelic little cheeks which is just going to make it so much worse.

Also, try as we might, we cannot get her to open her eyes for the passport photos we've been trying to get for the past few days. She just will not cooperate on any level. I think she's purposely frustrating us, (possibly thinking I'll show you, my pretties. Nobody makes ME open my eyes just because THEY want it") and I shall tell you why: We walk out of the Kodak place, and her eyes open. She's awake, for all intents and purposes. We walk back to the Kodak place? OH MY GOD SHE'S SLEEPING. Rinse and repeat x3. Now, while you're most likely sitting there thinking, "Oh erica, a 6 week old wouldn't be thinking that!" I'll tell you that you're wrong and because she's spawn of my evil loins, that is precisely what she'd be thinking. Possibly with added swear words. And some plot to assassinate some far distant liege.

Now don't be tough. I know even you couldn't resist this smile and would crumble like the twin towers under its supreme power.


Maribeth said...

Oh, she is just precious, E! You must be so proud!! Both my girls were good eaters and off the charts as infants. Isn't it great when your baby thrives this way?
Sorry about the shot, I can relate. I found I hadn't had the chicken pox and when my kids got them, so did I! Boo-Hoo!!

ezri.blue said...

I am really scared of getting this stupid needle, too. I hate hate HATE them. :\ Plus the rubella one is supposed to hurt heaps. *scream*

caseyoconnell said...

Try blowing in her face to keep her eyes open. Just a thought. She's adorable!