Thursday, December 01, 2005

First Day of Summer

It is you know. Today marks the first day of Summer, and I'm not sure if I'm happy or not. Part of me is, because this means really lovely hot weather, and in ordinary circumstances I would not complain about it, but... Well you know. But since being pregnant, blah blah blah. So, yeah, not sure if I'm happy or not that we're now officially into Summer.

In other news, I had the beginnings of a headcold on Tuesday. It just walked up and bitch slapped me in the side of the head, with no warning whatsoever. Nose was stuffy, throat was dry, sore and scratchy, and I just felt miserable. I wasn't going to let it get to me though, so that afternoon I ended gargling some Colloidal Silver and squirting some up the schnoz and in the ears. Did this for a couple of days, a few times a day and today I'm normal again, no stuffy nose, no sore throat, no aches or anything. God I love this stuff.

MiL rang last night, and I'm ashamed to admit I was rather nasty toward my love once he got off the phone. There was really no need to be, either. I didn't apologize to him - I was thinking that perhaps I should do so tonight when he gets home from work. I know why I was nasty, though I'm not sure I'm going to tell him why. I think maybe I'll just apologize and leave it at that.


Anonymous said...

Just as well we can make this stuff huh????? And I agree to you apologizing...poor man.

E in Oz said...

I think I needs to buy me some of that stuff. I have felt like I wanted to rip my entire head off for the last two weeks. Not happy! :-P

And I don't envy you being preggers during summer!

She Must be Full of BS said...

Wait, wait... I just finished reading this big'ol complicated article about colloidal silver, and you guys can MAKE it? Awesome! How? I've always been a firm believer in echinacea, and it's done well for me over the years, but now I want some of this stuff! said...

It's actually REALLY easy to make once you have the erm... thingy to make it with. I have no idea what it's called. I know, I know, I'm such a great help.

My brother made Mums for her, so I'll see if he can give me details for you and I'll email them to you :)