Wednesday, November 02, 2005

I'm Cranky & Men Suck.

I miss having my own domain. My previous one expired earlier this week and as a result, goDaddy has been emailing me constantly: "Your domain's expiring." "Your domain is about to expire." "Did you know your domain is going to expire?" And so on. Makes me all nostalgic. While I really dig blogger (and I do), it badly needs the whole Categories thing. I like to categorize my posts but I can't currently because it's not yet implemented. Sigh.

In other (worse) news, I was going through some of my archives before I left the US, and to my shock, horror and unhappiness, I am missing January-March archives. Not all of March, mind you, but some of it. I cannot, for the life of me, think what happened to them or where they would even be. As far as I recalled, they were exported to one long ass file from Moveable Type when I used it, and now I don't know where those particular months are. I have all the other months, just not those ones, and I'm upset by that. That's a big chunk of my life missing now. That was my move from the US to Canada, my first meeting with D, my first everything (er, almost) with him, and all my feelings and thoughts regarding him and the breakup of my previous relationship. I WANT THAT BACK!

And I'm still not having a good day, which has carried over from yesterday. I hate my life; it seems no matter what I do or say, or TRY and do, it's not good enough and I can't please everyone, including myself. I try and help D be happier here, but he's remaining on this tightrope of negativity which is frustrating me to the point beyond tears; and, quite frankly, I am sick and bloody tired of cleaning up after TWO guys. But if I don't do it, then D will and he shouldn't have to after he comes home from work of an afternoon. I'm nobody's mother (yet) so I shouldn't HAVE to ask for things to get done - things should just automatically GET DONE. People have eyes! But no... the computer is just alot more interesting and FUN than doing actual housework. And I don't ask for much! I really don't... All I'd like is that the dishes be done by someone OTHER THAN ME after I've cooked; or I'd like someone else to cook once in awhile without being asked, or to take out the trash because I'm not doing that. Ugh. There's just too much to bitch about today. I'm going to stand in the rain.


E in Oz said...

Ok, you made me paranoid now. I'm gonna have to back up my blog somewhere/somehow. I'd lose my brain if I lost my, well you know what I mean! I hope you find yours again!

It's raining there? It's freakin stinkin hot here today and we have no airconditioning. Yep, today is a good day for a bitch.

E said...

It's raining on and off, mostly overcast now though. Kinda warmish here today too actually, and yeah, no aircon for me either. :(


Anonymous said...

If you want your own domain again, I have space for you. Open invitation - just let me know. :) said...

Thanks girlie :)

Donno if I will or not. I really like blogspot mostly, and then there's always the pain in the ass of coming up with a new domain name. Remember when I was trying to think up lunarsparkle? Jeez. Maybe I'll have an epiphany and something will just come to me.

( is already taken god dammit)